Cast Your Net (2023)

A net carries many meanings. As a textile structure made up of knotted thread and tension, they are traditionally used as a vessel for fishing, hunting, and/or creating enclosures. In its most basic form, a net is a form in which something is held, captured, carried in and/or enclosed. Whether it is holding someone’s catch of the day, goods from the local market, or providing a comfortable bed in the form of a hammock, the diamond pattern net permeates our day to day life. This project, Cast Your Net, is an ode to the net, and the various roles it plays.

Cast Your Net was commissioned by Portland Downtown as a contribution to their annual Winter Light Program. This project would not be possible without the support of Portland Downtown, DSO Creative Fabrication and Blingle. It’s suspended in the trees of Pleasant Street Park in Portland, ME from November 2023 to March 2024.


Re-Site 2024: Imagining Freedom


In Memory of Those Taken